The Racine Police Department serves the City of Racine in Southeastern Wisconsin, USA.
With around 195 sworn officers the Racine Police Department is one of the largest departments in the State. The administration of the police department wanted to make their department more data-driven with statistics about shifts worked, citations issued, and arrests made. While this information could have been gathered on a squad car PC or back at the department, leadership wanted this to be available to officers wherever they were via smartphone, tablet, or squad laptop.
After listening to the needs of the command structure of the Racine Police Department, Zetaton web application development team built a web app that will revolutionize the way they handle their everyday tasks.
We at Zetaton, initially had an extensive brainstorming session with our client Racine Police Department. Based on our discussion, Our expert software developers provided the smartest way to manage officers shifts and track their shifts, citations, and arrests.
We started by creating the most important screens for the product. This allowed the client to see exactly how the product will look. After a few iterations on the UX/UI, the client approved the design.
Our web developers built the web application using Angular to allow the officers to securely log in and add shifts and track their shifts, citations, and arrests. The software allows the supervisors to log in and manage other officer’s data from the saved database which was developed using .NET with SQL server
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